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[SGY]∎ Download Free It Always Been You Always series Book 1 edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

It Always Been You Always series Book 1 edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

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Download PDF It Always Been You Always series Book 1  edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

It Always Been You Always series Book 1 edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

It's Always Been You begins with Travis still living with the ghost of his dead wife, even though he thinks she may not really bee dead. It has been three years since he got the news, and a lot has changed. But when he gets a call from his best friend and fellow employee his whole world his changed.

Caitlin has been on the run for the last three years. She doesn't remember anything beyond those three years because she was in an accident that caused her to have amnesia, but her friend Jase tells her everything she needs to know.. Or so she thought. He ends up leaving her on the side of the road and tells her that he's not the one she loves... Then come to find out she is actually married to a man named Travis... These two have a whole lot of things to go through, and on top of that there is stills one out there who is trying to kill Caitlin.. Now they will do everything they can to figure out what is going on and how to fix it before it is too late..

This book was not at all what I thought it would be. I was actually afraid to read it because I've read a book that had a similar plot line in a way, so I really didn't know what to think about this one. But I'm so glad a friend talked me into it. This book just blew me away from the very beginning. I couldn't believe everything that happened, and then when Travis and Caitlin meet again after the three years it was so not what I was thinking would happen either. But it did. And it was all crazy, sad, exciting, and beautiful all at once. This book has a very interesting plot line, that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole book. It also has a kick butt heroine who wasn't afraid to fight for what she needed to, and a hot alpha male with a major protective streak, and some major possessiveness.I really enjoyed this book, and I look forward to more in this series.

Read It Always Been You Always series Book 1  edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

Tags : It's Always Been You (Always series Book 1) - Kindle edition by Victoria Paige, Hot Tree Editing. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Victoria Paige, Hot Tree Editing,It's Always Been You (Always series Book 1),Fiction Romance Suspense,Fiction Thrillers Military

It Always Been You Always series Book 1 edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks Reviews

This was real page turner that kept me up late at night.

There is so much happening in this book that sometimes I needed an intermission to get my head around it all.

Travis is an ex navy SEAL who now has his own security business. Three years ago his wife Sarah went missing and despite a body being found, he never believed she was truly dead. He was right.

Sarah turns up at the US embassy in Berlin. Her name is Caitlin Kincaid, she is suffering from amnesia and has no memory of Travis or their life together. She returns to the US with him as they try to piece their life back together.

Travis learns things about Caitlin that leave him questioning if he really even knew her. One thing he does know is that he is completely in love with this woman and will do anything to protect & keep her.

Caitlin however is a magnet for trouble. There are a number of people with a vested interest in her and what is hidden away in her brain. Some people want her dead, others need her alive to get what they need.

This is a fast paced story involving the CIA, Russian mafia, motorcycle gangs and is bursting with alpha males!

It is a second chance love story too and amongst all this drama is a re-emergence of love between Travis and Caitlin, there are lovely pockets of romance throughout this story.

Really enjoyed this
Haunted by the mysterious death of his wife three years earlier, former Navy SEAL Travis Blake carries with him the guilt of having not been there to protect the one person who meant everything to him. But even after burying his wife, his heart refuses to accept that she’s dead. And his obsessive search for her leads him deep into the trenches of covert ops—where nothing is what is seems.

A fugitive wanted by the U.S. government, Caitlin Kincaid has been on the run for three years. Since waking with a broken arm and leg and a severe concussion that left her with amnesia, she’s managed to evade the covert group that’s been hunting her. But when her companion is mortally wounded while fleeing the mercenaries sent to kill them, he abandons her on the side of the road, leaving her with a cryptic message ”It’s time for you to stop running. I’m not the one you love.”

When Travis receives news that a woman who has turned up at the American Embassy in Berlin could be his wife, he wastes no time getting to Germany. A large part of him always believed she was alive. And after three long years, his determination finally paid off. But he’s unprepared for the devastation that shreds him when his wife looks at him with no recognition in her eyes, and vows that the woman looking at him as if he were a stranger would know by the end of the day who he was to her.

”We’ll find each other again. And, sunshine, you’re not building a wall between us because I’ll take it down with a sledgehammer. What we had before was once in a lifetime. You think having it, losing it, and getting it back, I’m going to let it slip through my fingers again? You married a SEAL. We’re tenacious, persistent, and we don’t know how to fail. You think with the greatest battle in my life, and that’s winning you back—I’m going to f-#! up now? Not happening. You were mine. You will be mine again.”

But does he even know the woman he loves? Has he ever? Discovering that his wife is a disavowed specter agent—an urban legend of the CIA … a ghost—and the men after her are Russian mafia—arms dealers, Travis suddenly realizes just what’s at stake. He just needs to figure out how to recapture the life they once shared and protect her from the people who want to kill her for things she no longer remembers.

“I’d do it all over again… Make her fall in love with me. I don’t care if it takes weeks or months. As long as I have her. I’ll love her enough for both of us until she’ll learn to love me again.”

A great mix of mystery, suspense, intrigue, espionage, lots of action and erotic romance, this book had it all from a possessive, badass, dirty talking alpha male with a mouth he frequently puts to good use—insert cold shower here—to a strong, intelligent, kick-ass heroine—think Sydney Bristow from Alias or a female version of Jason Bourne. And though I had mixed feelings about this book at first—I’m not a big fan of amnesia plot lines and the overall story was a tad far-fetched—as the story progressed, I become more connected until I was completely wrapped up in every word. Both the characters and the plot were complex, and the storyline flowed well. Overall, I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and look forward to reading more by Victoria Paige.
It's Always Been You begins with Travis still living with the ghost of his dead wife, even though he thinks she may not really bee dead. It has been three years since he got the news, and a lot has changed. But when he gets a call from his best friend and fellow employee his whole world his changed.

Caitlin has been on the run for the last three years. She doesn't remember anything beyond those three years because she was in an accident that caused her to have amnesia, but her friend Jase tells her everything she needs to know.. Or so she thought. He ends up leaving her on the side of the road and tells her that he's not the one she loves... Then come to find out she is actually married to a man named Travis... These two have a whole lot of things to go through, and on top of that there is stills one out there who is trying to kill Caitlin.. Now they will do everything they can to figure out what is going on and how to fix it before it is too late..

This book was not at all what I thought it would be. I was actually afraid to read it because I've read a book that had a similar plot line in a way, so I really didn't know what to think about this one. But I'm so glad a friend talked me into it. This book just blew me away from the very beginning. I couldn't believe everything that happened, and then when Travis and Caitlin meet again after the three years it was so not what I was thinking would happen either. But it did. And it was all crazy, sad, exciting, and beautiful all at once. This book has a very interesting plot line, that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole book. It also has a kick butt heroine who wasn't afraid to fight for what she needed to, and a hot alpha male with a major protective streak, and some major possessiveness.I really enjoyed this book, and I look forward to more in this series.
Ebook PDF It Always Been You Always series Book 1  edition by Victoria Paige Hot Tree Editing Romance eBooks

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